Potting and Painting at Cherry Valley Gardens


Potting and Painting at Cherry Valley Gardens!

Date: Tuesday, March 26th (1:00-4:00pm)

With hosts: Liz of Cherry Valley Gardens, Tracy from Plaids and Poppies and artist/instructor Sara Glupker

Join the party! Get excited for spring and pot/plant your own ranunculus plant, then use your plant as inspiration and learn step-by-step how to paint these fun flowers on a canvas while enjoying the warmth of Cherry Valley’s greenhouse, a cold drink and yummy snacks! Participants will have the opportunity to stroll through the greenhouses and shop during the event! All gardening and artistic abilities welcome!

Price: $45 per participant

Only 35 spaces available! Must pre-register here to participate in Potting + Painting

Address: Cherry Valley Gardens, 6900 N. M-37 Hwy, Middleville, MI 49333

An email will be sent to confirm your order. An additional email will be sent within 1-2 days with further event details.

“We hope you can join!! We  are so excited to plant and paint with you!!”- Liz, Tracy + Sara

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